You work hard, but still no results?

Maybe work ethic isn’t your issue,

Maybe you dedicate yourself every waking moment,

Maybe you don’t procrastinate,

If you feel that is you,

(Be completely honest)

Then ignore other dorks who give low-value, cliché advice which has been used over and over.

“You’re not working hard enough“

“You need to dedicate yourself“

Fuck off, you don’t need that,

That is generic advice,

Generic advice is shit,

Won’t help you get anywhere.

You’ll be stuck,

Right where you are.

Be it girls,

Be it social media growth,

Be it money,

You need to have specific advice on how to achieve what you want to achieve,

Want to make $2k off the internet?

Want to get as many girls as you like?

Want to grow your socials?

Ask that to people who have already done it,

Who are ahead of you,

Join some networking group,

Get a mentor,

But do not take generic advice from dorks.

I know what the most of you struggle with,


I have something cooking

That can MASSIVELY benefit you,

Giving you access to people you could DM and they would NEVER, in a million years reply,

For now,

You’ll have to wait.

Become Elite,


Ps: After it is done cooking, the price of the book will also increase, just linking it in here if you want knowledge about women, money, and respect in social circles.