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  • Unconditional love (and the only woman you're gonna get it from)

Unconditional love (and the only woman you're gonna get it from)

Your mom will love you unconditionally,

And she’s the only woman that ever will,

I know it’s hard to hear, but it’s the truth,

Women love realistically, and they should, because they are investing their time in whoever they are choosing to be with.

Think of it like long-term investment,

If she sees an ambition in you, she’ll get turned on,

The moment you leave the grind,

Start focusing more on her,

Initially she will like it,


In the long run, she’s gonna leave if you keep it up.


A good way to think is,

Making yourself the man all women want,

And then, they will flock to you, (shit, if you really pull it off, they won’t even mind sharing you.)

AND, as a bonus, you will command respect,

Not because of the women,

Because of the qualities in you that attract all the women.

This was only a sneak peek on what and how women think,

I have made a whole thing, (82 pages long, my fingers were sore after that one [that’s what she said])

To know women inside out, and understanding their logic, go check this out.

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