Risks, Rewards, And a FUCKTON of work

It's all you need.

I have shared the secret to to success in any metric humanly possible,

Money? Applicable.

Ladies? Applicable.

Business competition? Applicable.

Studies? Applicable.

The point is, you cannot outrun any of these three factors when aiming for success at anything in life.

If you want to take less risks, you will have to put in more than a fuckton of work,

If you want more rewards, you gotta increase both.

While these variables are at work,

There is one thing that remains constant,

No matter how you do it,

When you do it,

Or why you do it,

You must be consistent.

There is simply no way around it,

There is a way around risk by putting in more work,

There is a way around work by taking more risks (it decreases the probability of success though, so it’s not recommended)

You can’t get around consistency,

I will give you an actionable step for which “Gurus“ will charge you hundreds of dollars for.

What is that?

Take a pen and paper,

Make a table, like you used to make in school,

Assess your ability to take risks (Your financial position, your stress tolerance, etc.)

Assess what result you would be happy with. (can be monetary, educational, for eg: marks.)


Assess how much work you can put in per day. (Map out your day, go in intricate detail, if you’ll be able to work, where you will sit while working.)

And to make the perfect mixture,

Assess your position on the chessboard,

How much time should it take me to do _______?

And, if you stick with it,

Sooner or later,

You’ll get what you wanted.

(Try to get it as soon as possible)

Become Elite,