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This is not a “IncREAse YoUr TeStoSterOnE GuIDe”, That’s for losers,

I’m gonna tell you the ‘What‘ and the ‘Why’

WHAT can make or break your testosterone, and WHY you want to have more testosterone.

Let’s Get Started:

What can make your testosterone go up?

Your body produces hormones naturally, and test is one of them,

All we have to figure out is, how to make our body produce more:

  1. Butter: Eat butter daily, it produces cholesterol, from which test is made. A study in 2017 found that high-cholesterol diets resulted in 3 times the muscle protein synthesis (muscle-building).

  2. Eggs: Again, produces a lot of cholesterol, is an excellent source of protein, and contains many vitamins like vitamin A, D, E, K.

  3.  TANNING YOUR BALLS: Yes, you read that right, you need to give your balls some sunlight, not in the afternoon, but the early morning sun, this is shown to decrease your insulin resistance, and increase your testosterone by up to 200%, however if that is not possible for you, at least try to get some early morning sun.

  4. ICING THE FAMILY JEWELS: Ok, at this point, you might start thinking, this guy’s weird, but hey, these are completely optional, and I’m giving you alternatives for them as well. So, you want to dip the nuts in a bowl, with ice inside of it, and if that is not possible, a very cold shower would also be an excellent alternative.

  5. Gym: This is the last one because it is obvious, and most of you probably go to the gym, and know the benefits, but if you don’t, GO ASAP, it will boost both your mental and physical health like you would not believe.

And that concludes the things that make your test go up,

Now, to maintain the test levels, we also have to avoid things that decrease your testosterone,

What are those things?

  1. Deodorants: Do not use deodorants as most of them contain hormone disruptors, Phthalates and Parabens, these are highly estrogenic and are shown to cause diseases like dementia and alzheimer’s. Not to mention an increase in the breast tissue.

  2. Shampoos and conditioners: It’s the same villains again, these are not only harmful for men, but also for women, as these chemicals can increase the chances of breast cancer in women.

  3. SUGAR: Sugar is the kryptonite for testosterone, In a study conducted with 74 men, the were given 75g of sugar, and it decreased the testosterone levels by a whopping 25% for 2 hours, it also attacks your white-blood-cells, making you prone to airborne diseases.

There you have it, a complete list of things that can make or break your testosterone levels.

Now, why do you need more test?

Simply put, it makes life better, gives you more drive, more ambition and more energy to conquer, build.

And, women find these qualities EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE.

But, you could have the highest testosterone levels in the world,

and could not attract ANY women.

“Hey, that's not fair, how does that work out.“

Because, as much as women like what they see, they are auditory creatures, meaning they like what they hear,

Now, I’m not saying you could look like a 35 year old discord mod looking guy with sticky underwear, Dorito crumbs on his shirt and talk to any girl.

You need both.

And I can tell you how to do that too,

I have made a 82 page book on the back of my own PERSONAL EXPERIENCES on what women like, and their dislikes.

PS: The price will increase soon, grab the early bird benefit.