Feminine men will never make it

here’s the untold secret

Some guys just can’t seem to crack the code with women

No matter how hard they try, they just can't do it.

And then they end up blaming women for being too hard.

I'll tell you something.

That's not the case at all.

It's because you're weak and feminine.

Let’s cut through the BS and get to the raw, unfiltered truth that no one dares to say.

1. Decisive Dominance

Indecision is a killer.

Women crave a man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to take it.

Imagine you’re out on a date, and the waiter asks for your order.

You hesitate, unsure whether to go for the steak or the pasta.

Meanwhile, she’s watching, waiting, and judging.

In that moment, your hesitation signals uncertainty and a lack of confidence.

Now, flip the script.

You look at the menu, make a swift decision, and confidently place your order.

This simple act of decisiveness sends a powerful message—you know what you want and how to get it.

When you take charge and lead, it ignites a deep-seated attraction.

She wants to feel secure knowing you can handle any situation that comes your way.

2. Independent Spirit

Have your own goals, interests, and passions.

Women don’t want a man who needs them to feel complete.

They are drawn to men who have a purpose in life.

Imagine you have a hobby or a side project you’re passionate about—whether it’s hitting the gym, working on a startup, or playing a musical instrument.

When you’re genuinely excited about something it makes you more interesting and dynamic.

She’ll be intrigued by your dedication and want to be a part of your world.

Be your own person, and she’ll naturally be drawn to you.

3. Commanding Respect

Women are instinctively attracted to men who command respect from others.

Whether it’s in your professional life or social circles, being someone others look up to is a powerful draw.

Earn respect through your actions, integrity, and leadership.

Think about the people you respect in your life - they’re probably those who stand firm in their beliefs, who act with integrity, and who lead by example.

Emulate these traits in your own life. Show through your actions that you’re someone worth respecting.

This will naturally attract women who see you as a leader and a pillar of strength.

PS I'm coming up with something special to help you guys nail the date game. Learn more in tomorrow’s email