Money and commitment.

How it affects the way you see things.

A watch is a watch,

The Rolex and a Casio show the same time,

Why are they treated differently?

The history?


The branding?


The price?


The price signifies a commitment to yourself,

It says,

“I’m willing to spend this much for my watch to be immaculate.“

And Information is similar,


Because most of the times,

It is the same thing wrapped in different clothes,

The money you pay is simply a commitment to yourself to make the purchase of information worth it.

Now, the reason why I am selling you this information is not for me,

It is for you,

For you to take it seriously,

I could break the same information down in 10 LONG ASS EMAILS,

And give it out FOR 100% free,

But you wouldn’t respect it,

You won’t take action,

That’s why I built the tiny wall of $38,

So that only who seriously want to change their lives get it.


Some people you follow on X use it,

Another one is Chivalrous Manhood

Another one is, Spartan Masculine

That should be enough proof for you to see that it works,

All you have to do is go and get it,

And Take action,

I have reduced the price from the regular $38 to $34,

It won’t stay for long.

This is your gateway to attracting girls ON COMMAND,

And learning how to become a man your 7 year old self would be proud of,

Go get it, right here.

Become Elite,