Make her obsessed with you

chads don’t want you to know this

How do some guys always have the girls and you don't seem to have any?

It’s not just about good looks or charm. 

This is what people don't realise. 

There are some secret strategies. You'll never find these in every dating guide. 

Let me reveal the secrets that Chads don’t want you to know:

1. Create Emotional Highs and Lows

Ever noticed how a rollercoaster ride is thrilling because of its ups and downs? 

The same principle applies to relationships. 

Emotional highs and lows make you more memorable and engaging. 

This involves creating moments of intense connection followed by periods of subtle distance. 

After a deeply romantic evening, give her some space and go about your own business. 

This will keep you on her mind all the time. 

2. Master the Art of Scarcity

Scarcity makes things more valuable. 

When people believe something is rare or hard to get, they desire it more. 

This principle works wonders in making her obsessed with you. 

You can't respond to her texts within seconds and are available every time she calls because she might take your attention for granted. 

Instead make yourself exclusive and not always available. 

3. Develop a Mysterious Persona

Mystery is magnetic. 

People are naturally drawn to what they can’t fully understand. 

By having an air of mystery, you can gain her interest and keep her thinking about you. 

Start by sharing only fragments of your life and personality. 

Instead of revealing your entire backstory or daily routine, offer glimpses into intriguing aspects of your life. 

Mention an upcoming trip or an unusual hobby, but don’t go spill all the details. 

This allows her imagination to fill in the gaps. 

The more she wonders about you and what you’re up to, the more she’ll be drawn to you. 

These helped me more than I can talk about. 

But it took me a long time to master these and 6 other basic principles. 

And I want to give you guys a short cut. 

What I'm about to reveal are like cheat codes to getting the woman you want.