The gym can ruin your health.


That is what they want you to believe,

They want you to be weak,


So they can make money off of you.

The thing is,

More than physical power,

The gym gives you mental power,

The mental toughness,

To do the right thing when you don’t feel like it,

You won’t feel like going,

And it is alright,

The mental toughness comes only through repetition,

Doing what you don’t want to,


Once you start doing that,

You get in a loop of winning,

You go to the gym,

Start a business,

Grow it,

Make money off of it,

Start attracting quality women,

You sub-consciously go into a state of ETERNAL winning.

All that, Just by taking the first step.

Check day before yesterday’s mail to see how.

Become Elite,