How to get past the talking phase

without being a creep

Imagine this.

You're out on a date, and things are going well.

I’m talking about a real connection, laughter, and genuine interest.

And then, you hit a wall.

It becomes awkward. You don’t have anything to talk about

How do you feel?

When it’s just silent, and you start worrying that you’re a creep.

Let me tell you, it’s not pleasant.

But, that’s a situation everybody has been in at one point in their dating life.

What’s even crazier is that most people go through this and never attempt to correct it.

The mistake isn't the awkward silence. It's how you handle it.

You’re the one who let the conversation go into oblivion. You lost control of it.

And many people don’t change this.

Well, I guess you're not one of them because you're here, reading this.

Trying to solve the problem.

I'll give you some actionable tips on "How to get past the talking phase - without being a creep."

After reading this email, you'll never feel stuck in a conversation again.

I’ve used these and let me tell you, the results were phenomenal.

The main problem people have is that they focus too much on themselves.

When you’re self-absorbed, you’ll always miss the other person’s emotions.

And that’s how conversations die.

To avoid this, show genuine interest in the other person.

It doesn't matter if you’re nervous.

There may be 100 people out there who speak better than you, but if you show true curiosity, you’ll build a real connection.

This is not some random advice.

It’s something that has worked for me.

I started asking more questions and suddenly, conversations flowed naturally.

This works like a charm.

Try it.

The next thing you can do is focus on active listening.

People won’t admit this, but everyone loves to talk about themselves.

And this is so true.

Try it for yourself.

Listen and engage with what the other person is saying.

You will make them feel valued and respected.

It's proven by psychology.

You can become a better conversationalist by being a better listener.

One last thing you can do is maintain appropriate body language.

Especially if you tend to fidget or come off as too intense.

I’ve never seen anyone improve their social skills without being mindful of their body language.

This applies to everyone. Nervous, overconfident, whatever. I don’t care.

If you maintain open and relaxed body language, you will seem more approachable.

When you do these things, I can guarantee you, that you’ll move past the talking phase smoothly and


To never make the talking awkward, learn the secrets in the all-in-one super guide where I’ve gone into depth on how you can get past the talking phase.