Doing this dries up pussies

I know you're doing it rn.

Looking desperate,

That’s right,

Being desperate for the girl,

Calling her day after day

Stalking her,

Replying to texts instantly,

While that will please her temporarily,

In the long term,

She won’t respect your time,

The more time you give her,

The less she’ll value it,

If you focus on your job,

Not let her get between it,

She’ll be angry now,

But on a long term,

You will have her respect,

And remember,

Girls follow a herd mentality,

One girl respects you,

Most of them do.

That is the same reason why they like stealing each other’s men,

They need social proof,

They operate realistically, like an investment,

It’s a cold world.

Become Elite,


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