What if you don't make it?

Read it only if you're serious about life.

I sincerely hope every one of my followers,

Every one of you reading this makes it,


What if, by some chance,

You don’t make it,

The goals you have right now,

May it be monetary,

May it be social status,

What then,

Do you want to be an average joe,

Out of shape, skinny fat,

With 2 kids in a shitty apartment,

Getting sandpapery blowjobs from your wife who is a 2,

Fearing for your life you don’t get laid off,

Or be replaced by AI,

Or, even worse,

Be a 60 year old multi-millionaire,

Who has never had a woman TRULY love him,

Always surrounded by gold-diggers,

Always surrounded by people, wealth,

But always lonely,

To book prostitutes for a gala,

Or a fancy networking dinner,

You don’t want to be neither of them,

You must learn to attract girls when you’re broke,

This is to ensure they will REALLY love you for you.

Which means, you need girls loving you,


Become Elite,