"DOn'T HavE fUn"

And why it's Bullshit

I have fun,


Consistently enjoying my life,


But my work gets done,

I keep making money,

I keep winning,

Keep in mind, I have fun 24 hours a day,

7 days a week.

How do I keep having fun,

And still get my shit done?

I enjoy working,

Working makes me feel good with myself,

Makes me fulfilled,

If you do the right things,

You can feel the same too.

Figure out what you really want out of the work.

The why is more important than the how.

Once you do that,

Figure out how you doing that will benefit you,

And then do it till you have it.

But most people can’t do the last part,

That’s why the One Percent remains happy even “Working“ 24 hours a day,

And that’s how the rest 99% remains sad and unfulfilled “Enjoying“ 24 hours a day.

Hope this helps.

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