This is why you don't have aura

It must be earned.

No matter how much wealth you have,

No matter the family you come from,

You cannot achieve this aura,

You can only achieve this aura by,


This is the aura of Masculine excellence.

Doing things you don’t want to do,

But still doing it,

Day after day,

Week after week,

This will give you an energy of conquest,

An aura of competence that men will respect,

And women love it,

Mind you,

It has to be hard,

Something you dread,

You would trade money to not do that,

But, you have to do it,

Because everyone can perform when they want to,

Everyone can be outstanding in the sun,

Very few can be outstanding in the rain.

I have shown you the way,

Will you go through the tough shit,

Do you want it?

If the answer is yes,

Do everything you can to get it,

That is the way of the Elite.

Become Elite,