The difference between winners and losers.


It is directly linked to your competence as a man,

How fast you can get shit done,

How fast can you approach 10 girls so they give you their number,

And eventually, out of those 10,

1 ends up in your bed,


This can be achieved in a days work,

Unless you’re an antisocial autistic video game player,

Then it might take you a bit more,

Maybe 2 days.


If you look half decent, have a good physique,

This can be achieved in a day.

I want you to go do that,

You decide,

Winner or loser.

Reply to this email once you’re done.

(Even if you get rejected by all 10, you’re a winner)

The only way to lose is to stay where you are.

10 girls, 1 day,


Become Elite,