Dating advice on X is BULLSHIT

Here's why...

The reason why I say that is,

Because it’s hard,

Attracting women effortlessly,

Takes years of effort,

Creators on X need engagement on their threads, posts.

That’s why they come up with the,

“Effortlessly attracting women“

“Here’s what attracts women to you“

I’m here to tell you,

It’s bullshit,

They do it only to catch eyes,

If they posted real dating tips,



Because actual dating advice works,

And for it to work,

You have to work,

It cannot come without effort,

For it to look effortless, it takes years of effort.

Nobody wants to listen:

You need to learn how to speak,

You need to learn how to dress,

Nobody wants to do that,


Because it’s hard.

It’s sad, but the reality of the world is,

You are going to be judged for trying.

So, the next time you see threads like those,

Scroll right past, (unless it is mine, I actually try to give out value)

Become elite,