You are in a constant Player vs Player

You've known this since you were 7...

Remember when the fastest boy used to get the girl?

That was masculine competition at its most raw,

Then, you were indoctrinated with the,

"Your only competition is you”

“You played, that’s all that mattered“


You were evolutionarily designed to want to win,


Because, since the dawn of time,

The strong men have got what they wanted,

The women, the armies, the villages, you name it,

And the weak men have had to move aside,

Even now,

Everyone wants what you want,

The girl you want, 10 other people want her,

The client you want, 4 other competitors want him,

The limited edition car you have as your wallpaper,

Guess what, thousands of people, with more money, want the same car.

“How do I crush my competition to get what I want?”

The solution is,

Be Ruthlessly Competitive.

If you’re not doing that, you’re only asking to lose,

What traits do you need to adapt to be competitive as a man?

How are you gonna adapt them?

How men think while competing?

I have EVERYTHING covered in my exclusive E-book.
