
Win or Lose.

“Man, I can’t really ask out women daily”


“It’s hard.“

“I can’t stay on top of the game”

“I go 2 days, and then stop.“

Asking out girls is hard,

I get it,

But what else are you gonna do

Die a virgin?

Making money is hard,

But what are you gonna do,

Die poor?

If you aren’t consistent,

You are still consistent,

Consistently losing,

Missing out,

So, to deal with it,

Try to make good decisions sometimes,


Don’t approach women 7 days a week,

Add 3 days to your schedule,

“Yep, gonna go out on a walk, and ask 5 women out“

Once you get habituated,

Ramp up the volume,

And BAM,

You’re consistent with one thing now,

Apply this with other things too.

You can either consistently win,

Or consistently lose.

It’s your choice,

Consistency makes a man,

Become Elite,