Why the best things in the world are exclusive

and how it affects your behaviour.

Let’s be honest,

Everything good has always been exclusive,

The women, The legions, Respect,

These days it is

Women, Respect, Access to places where poor people can’t go.


The modern world tries to make everything look inclusive,

When it clearly isn’t,

I want you to imagine you are a 10/10 BEAUTY,

Sports persons in your DMs,

Would you give a man like you a chance?

Imagine you were that young, fit, 23 y/o millionaire who spent his teens grinding,

Would you respect a man like you?

Imagine you’re the owner of the most exclusive casino in Monaco,

Would you let a man like you enter?

It’s a universal law,

Inclusivity ruins things,

It eradicates competition,

Encourages pussy behaviour,

Exclusivity does the exact opposite,

Inclusivity is not love, it is pity,

Exclusivity is tough love,

Participation awards create spoiled, entitled brats,

The gold medalists however,

Are disciplined and worthy of respect.

Become Elite