Rejected by a girl? Good

Why? Read this...

Even if there is a 100% chance she’ll reject you,

Approach her,

Give her a compliment,

Spit some game,

Ask for her Instagram to contact her for a meetup for a coffee,

And maybe, just maybe,

You’ll get her Instagram and go on a date with her.

Even if it is a 1% chance,


The original goal is not to get her Instagram,

It’s not even to go on a date with her,

It is to make you braver,

Better at approaching,

Most people can speak,

But after the initial rejections,

They give up,

When you keep getting rejected,

Over, and over, and over,

You don’t want to approach anymore,

You don’t feel like getting rejected,

No one likes being rejected,

You must not let it get to you,

You must push through and say no to that bitch voice,

However, the opposite is also true,

When you keep getting Instagram’s,

Keep setting up dates,

You can’t get enough,

Then you can’t stop,

This only lies on the other side of rejection,

Approach girls daily for a month and this will change.

Become Elite,