Accept rejection.

This is how you'll grow

You will be rejected,

Time after time,

That girl you like,

10 girls like her will reject you,

That client you want,

10 prospects exactly like him are going to reject you,


Maybe the 11th girl says yes,

Or maybe the 12th,

Maybe the 11th prospect says yes,

But the thing is,

It’s not a maybe,

It’s a certainty,

You won’t get a yes the first time you try something (99.99% of the times),

You will get rejected,

You have to learn to NOT take it personal,

People don’t reject you because they hate you,

People reject you because you made a mistake approaching them.

And approaching can be learnt,

which means over time, you will be rejected lesser, and lesser,

You must not take it personally when a girl, or a prospect says no to your offer,

Take it in your stride, analyse where you fell short,

Improve it, and you’ll prosper.

Become Elite,