15 minutes, 2 Instagrams.

Here's how I did it.

So there I was, on the bus,

Expecting to get home from my college in about 35 minutes,

Scouting for girls on the bus to talk to

(Free sauce, you can find some really pretty girls on there.)

There I saw, a childhood friend of mine

He sat beside me,

Disabling me to move to the girls,

It was all good though,

We had a good chat,

Once I got off,

I got up, and sat next to a girl.

This girl happened to be from my college,

Tall, skinny 8.5/10 with long hair,

We talked about her courses, subjects,

(Free sauce, talk about her.)

She got off,

Funny thing is: I didn’t ask for her insta,

She gave me hers,

Gonna go on a date 4 days from now,

I went over to the second girl the instant she got off,

Now this one was the real knockout,

Long hair, Curvy (in the right areas), and an insane face card.


I noticed that the previous girl was looking over at her,

So I used that as my conversation starter,

I told her she looked really familiar,

Was she in my college?

What course was she in?

What year? (good way to get to know her age)

We chatted, made her laugh a bit,

And we had the same stop,

We got off,

I asked her for a cup of coffee sometime,

She said “Of course, *my name*“

And I went on my way home.

This is how you play the game.

Become Elite,